Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology

(avery) #1

Imagine for a moment that people did not have

skeletons. What comes to mind? Probably that each of
us would be a little heap on the floor, much like a jel-
lyfish out of water. Such an image is accurate and
reflects the most obvious function of the skeleton: to
support the body. Although it is a framework for the
body, the skeleton is not at all like the wooden beams
that support a house. Bones are living organs that
actively contribute to the maintenance of the internal
environment of the body.
The skeletal systemconsists of bones and other
structures that make up the joints of the skeleton. The
types of tissue present are bone tissue, cartilage, and
fibrous connective tissue, which forms the ligaments
that connect bone to bone.


  1. Provides a framework that supports the body; the
    muscles that are attached to bones move the skele-

  2. Protects some internal organs from mechanical
    injury; the rib cage protects the heart and lungs, for

  3. Contains and protects the red bone marrow, the
    primary hemopoietic (blood-forming) tissue.

  4. Provides a storage site for excess calcium. Calcium
    may be removed from bone to maintain a normal
    blood calcium level, which is essential for blood
    clotting and proper functioning of muscles and


Bonewas described as a tissue in Chapter 4. Recall
that bone cells are called osteocytes, and the matrix
of bone is made of calcium saltsand collagen. The
calcium salts are calcium carbonate (CaCO 3 ) and cal-
cium phosphate (Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 ), which give bone the
strength required to perform its supportive and pro-
tective functions. Bone matrix is non-living, but it
changes constantly, with calcium that is taken from
bone into the blood replaced by calcium from the diet.
In normal circumstances, the amount of calcium that
is removed is replaced by an equal amount of calcium
deposited. This is the function of osteocytes, to regu-

late the amount of calcium that is deposited in, or
removed from, the bone matrix.
In bone as an organ, two types of bone tissue are
present (Fig. 6–1). Compact bonelooks solid but is
very precisely structured. Compact bone is made of
osteonsor haversian systems, microscopic cylinders
of bone matrix with osteocytes in concentric rings
around central haversian canals. In the haversian
canals are blood vessels; the osteocytes are in contact
with these blood vessels and with one another through
microscopic channels (canaliculi) in the matrix.
The second type of bone tissue is spongy bone,
which does look rather like a sponge with its visible
holes or cavities. Osteocytes, matrix, and blood vessels
are present but are not arranged in haversian systems.
The cavities in spongy bone often contain red bone
marrow, which produces red blood cells, platelets,
and the five kinds of white blood cells.


1.Long bones—the bones of the arms, legs, hands,
and feet (but not the wrists and ankles). The shaft
of a long bone is the diaphysis, and the ends are
called epiphyses(see Fig. 6–1). The diaphysis is
made of compact bone and is hollow, forming a
canal within the shaft. This marrow canal (or
medullary cavity) contains yellow bone marrow,
which is mostly adipose tissue. The epiphyses are
made of spongy bone covered with a thin layer of
compact bone. Although red bone marrow is pres-
ent in the epiphyses of children’s bones, it is largely
replaced by yellow bone marrow in adult bones.
2.Short bones—the bones of the wrists and ankles.
3.Flat bones—the ribs, shoulder blades, hip bones,
and cranial bones.
4.Irregular bones—the vertebrae and facial bones.

Short, flat, and irregular bones are all made of
spongy bone covered with a thin layer of compact
bone. Red bone marrow is found within the spongy
The joint surfaces of bones are covered with artic-
ular cartilage, which provides a smooth surface. Cov-
ering the rest of the bone is the periosteum, a fibrous
connective tissue membrane whose collagen fibers
merge with those of the tendons and ligaments that

106 The Skeletal System

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