Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology

(avery) #1

Although the normal wear and tear of joints cannot
be prevented, elderly people can preserve their bone
matrix with exercise (dancing counts) and diets high in
calcium and vitamin D.


Your knowledge of the bones and joints will be useful
in the next chapter as you learn the actions of the mus-

cles that move the skeleton. It is important to remem-
ber, however, that bones have other functions as well.
As a storage site for excess calcium, bones contribute
to the maintenance of a normal blood calcium level.
The red bone marrow found in flat and irregular
bones produces the blood cells: red blood cells, white
blood cells, and platelets. Some bones protect vital
organs such as the brain, heart, and lungs. As you can
see, bones themselves may also be considered vital

The Skeletal System 131


The skeleton is made of bone and cartilage
and has these functions:

  1. Is a framework for support, connected by liga-
    ments, moved by muscles.

  2. Protects internal organs from mechanical injury.

  3. Contains and protects red bone marrow.

  4. Stores excess calcium; important to regulate blood
    calcium level.

Bone Tissue (see Fig. 6–1)

  1. Osteocytes (cells) are found in the matrix of cal-
    cium phosphate, calcium carbonate, and collagen.

  2. Compact bone—haversian systems are present.

  3. Spongy bone—no haversian systems; red bone
    marrow present.

  4. Articular cartilage—smooth, on joint surfaces.

  5. Periosteum—fibrous connective tissue membrane;
    anchors tendons and ligaments; has blood vessels
    that enter the bone.

Classification of Bones

  1. Long—arms, legs; shaft is the diaphysis (compact
    bone) with a marrow cavity containing yellow bone
    marrow (fat); ends are epiphyses (spongy bone) (see
    Fig. 6–1).

  2. Short—wrists, ankles (spongy bone covered with
    compact bone).

  3. Flat—ribs, pelvic bone, cranial bones (spongy bone
    covered with compact bone).

  4. Irregular—vertebrae, facial bones (spongy bone
    covered with compact bone).

Embryonic Growth of Bone

  1. The embryonic skeleton is first made of other tis-
    sues that are gradually replaced by bone. Ossifica-
    tion begins in the third month of gestation;
    osteoblasts differentiate from fibroblasts and pro-
    duce bone matrix.

  2. Cranial and facial bones are first made of fibrous
    connective tissue; osteoblasts produce bone matrix
    in a center of ossification in each bone; bone growth
    radiates outward; fontanels remain at birth, permit
    compression of infant skull during birth; fontanels
    are calcified by age 2 (see Fig. 6–2).

  3. All other bones are first made of cartilage; in a long
    bone the first center of ossification is in the diaph-
    ysis, other centers develop in the epiphyses. After
    birth a long bone grows at the epiphyseal discs:
    Cartilage is produced on the epiphysis side, and
    bone replaces cartilage on the diaphysis side.
    Osteoclasts form the marrow cavity by reabsorb-
    ing bone matrix in the center of the diaphysis (see
    Fig. 6–3).

Factors That Affect Bone Growth and

  1. Heredity—many pairs of genes contribute to
    genetic potential for height.

  2. Nutrition—calcium, phosphorus, and protein be-
    come part of the bone matrix; vitamin D is needed
    for absorption of calcium in the small intestine;
    vitamins C and A are needed for bone matrix pro-
    duction (calcification).

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