The Muscular System
New Terminology
Actin (AK-tin)
Antagonistic muscles (an-TAG-on-ISS-tik MUSS-
Creatine phosphate (KREE-ah-tin FOSS-fate)
Depolarization (DE-poh-lahr-i-ZAY-shun)
Fascia (FASH-ee-ah)
Insertion (in-SIR-shun)
Isometric (EYE-so-MEH-trik)
Isotonic (EYE-so-TAHN-ik)
Lactic acid (LAK-tik ASS-id)
Muscle fatigue (MUSS-uhl fah-TEEG)
Muscle sense (MUSS-uhl SENSE)
Muscle tone (MUSS-uhl TONE)
Myoglobin (MYE-oh-GLOW-bin)
Myosin (MYE-oh-sin)
Neuromuscular junction (NYOOR-oh-MUSS-kyoo-
ler JUNK-shun)
Origin (AHR-i-jin)
Oxygen debt (AHKS-ah-jen DET)
Polarization (POH-lahr-i-ZAY-shun)
Prime mover (PRIME MOO-ver)
Sarcolemma (SAR-koh-LEM-ah)
Sarcomeres (SAR-koh-meers)
Synergistic muscles (SIN-er-JIS-tik MUSS-uhls)
Tendon (TEN-dun)
Related Clinical Terminology
Anabolic steroids (an-a-BOLL-ik STEER-oyds)
Atrophy (AT-ruh-fee)
Botulism (BOTT-yoo-lizm)
Hypertrophy (high-PER-truh-fee)
Intramuscular injection (IN-trah-MUSS-kyoo-ler in-
Muscular dystrophy (MUSS-kyoo-ler DIS-truh-fee)
Myalgia (my-AL-jee-ah)
Myasthenia gravis (MY-ass-THEE-nee-yuh GRAH-
Myopathy (my-AH-puh-thee)
Paralysis (pah-RAL-i-sis)
Range-of-motion exercises (RANJE-of-MOH-shun
Sex-linked trait (SEX LINKED TRAYT)
Tetanus (TET-uh-nus)
Terms that appear in bold typein the chapter text are defined in the glossary, which begins on page 547.