Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology

(avery) #1

Joints that are capable of a variety of movements
have several sets of antagonists. Notice how many
ways you can move your upper arm at the shoulder, for
instance. Abducting (laterally raising) the arm is the
function of the deltoid. Adducting the arm is brought
about by the pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi.
Flexion of the arm (across the chest) is also a function
of the pectoralis major, and extension of the arm
(behind the back) is also a function of the latissimus
dorsi. All of these muscles are described and depicted
in the tables and figures later in the chapter. Without
antagonistic muscles, this variety of movements would
not be possible.
You may be familiar with range-of-motion (or
ROM) exercises that are often recommended for
patients confined to bed. Such exercises are designed
to stretch and contract the antagonistic muscles of a
joint to preserve as much muscle function and joint
mobility as possible.

Synergistic Muscles

Synergistic musclesare those with the same func-
tion, or those that work together to perform a partic-
ular function. Recall that the biceps brachii flexes the
forearm. The brachioradialis, with its origin on the
humerus and insertion on the radius, also flexes
the forearm. There is even a third flexor of the fore-
arm, the brachialis. You may wonder why we need
three muscles to perform the same function, and the

explanation lies in the great mobility of the hand. If
the hand is palm up, the biceps does most of the work
of flexing and may be called the prime mover. When
the hand is thumb up, the brachioradialis is in position
to be the prime mover, and when the hand is palm
down, the brachialis becomes the prime mover. If you
have ever tried to do chin-ups, you know that it is
much easier with your palms toward you than with
palms away from you. This is because the biceps is a
larger, and usually much stronger, muscle than is the
Muscles may also be called synergists if they help to
stabilize or steady a joint to make a more precise
movement possible. If you drink a glass of water, the
biceps brachii may be the prime mover to flex the
forearm. At the same time, the muscles of the shoul-
der keep that joint stable, so that the water gets to
your mouth, not over your shoulder or down your
chin. The shoulder muscles are considered synergists
for this movement because their contribution makes
the movement effective.

Even our simplest movements require the interaction
of many muscles, and the contraction of skeletal mus-
cles depends on the brain. The nerve impulses for
movement come from the frontal lobesof the cere-
brum. The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain;
the frontal lobes are beneath the frontal bone. The

The Muscular System 139


Ulna Humerus

Triceps (contracted)

Biceps (relaxed)


Triceps (relaxed)

Biceps (contracted)

A Extension B Flexion

Figure 7–1. Antagonistic muscles. (A) Extension of the forearm. (B) Flexion of the
QUESTION:When the biceps contracts, what happens to its length, and what kind of force
does it exert?
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