Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology

(avery) #1
reflex: (1) receptors, (2) sensory neurons, (3) CNS
with one or more synapses, (4) motor neurons,
(5) effector that responds.

  1. Stretch reflex—a muscle that is stretched will con-
    tract; these reflexes help keep us upright against
    gravity. The patellar reflex is also used clinically to
    assess neurologic functioning, as are many other
    reflexes (Fig. 8–5).

  2. Flexor reflex—a painful stimulus will cause with-
    drawal of the body part; these reflexes are protec-

The Brain—many parts that function as an
integrated whole; see Figs. 8–6 and 8–8 for

  1. Ventricles—four cavities: two lateral, 3rd, 4th; each
    contains a choroid plexus that forms cerebrospinal
    fluid (Figs. 8–6 and 8–7).

  2. Medulla—regulates the vital functions of heart
    rate, breathing, and blood pressure; regulates
    reflexes of coughing, sneezing, swallowing, and

  3. Pons—contains respiratory centers that work with
    those in the medulla.

  4. Midbrain—contains centers for visual reflexes,
    auditory reflexes, and righting (equilibrium)

  5. Cerebellum—regulates coordination of voluntary
    movement, muscle tone, stopping movements, and
    equilibrium; contributes to sensations involving
    texture and weight.

  6. Hypothalamus—produces antidiuretic hormone
    (ADH), which increases water reabsorption by the
    kidneys; produces oxytocin, which promotes uter-
    ine contractions for labor and delivery; produces
    releasing hormones that regulate the secretions of
    the anterior pituitary gland; regulates body tem-
    perature; regulates food intake; integrates the func-
    tioning of the autonomic nervous system (ANS);
    promotes visceral responses to emotional situa-
    tions; acts as a biological clock that regulates body

  7. Thalamus—groups sensory impulses as to body
    part before relaying them to the cerebrum; aware-
    ness of pain but inability to localize; suppresses
    unimportant sensations to permit concentration;
    contributes to alertness and awareness, and to

  8. Cerebrum—two hemispheres connected by the
    corpus callosum, which permits communication
    between the hemispheres. The cerebral cortex is

the surface gray matter, which consists of cell bod-
ies of neurons and is folded extensively into convo-
lutions. The internal white matter consists of nerve
tracts that connect the lobes of the cerebrum to one
another and to other parts of the brain.

  • Frontal lobes—motor areas initiate voluntary
    movement; premotor area regulates sequences of
    movements for learned skills; prefrontal area for
    aspects of social behavior; Broca’s motor speech
    area (left hemisphere) regulates the movements
    involved in speech.

  • Parietal lobes—general sensory area feels and
    interprets the cutaneous senses and conscious
    muscle sense; taste area extends into temporal
    lobe, for sense of taste; speech areas (left hemi-
    sphere) for thought before speech.

  • Temporal lobes—auditory areas for hearing and
    interpretation; olfactory areas for sense of smell
    and interpretation; speech areas for thought
    before speech.

  • Occipital lobes—visual areas for vision; interpre-
    tation areas for spatial relationships.

  • Association areas—in all lobes, for abstract
    thinking, reasoning, learning, memory, and
    personality. The hippocampi are essential for
    the formation of memories. Neural plasticity is
    the ability of the brain to adapt to changing

  • Basal ganglia—gray matter within the cerebral
    hemispheres; regulate accessory movements and
    muscle tone.

Meninges and Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) (see
Figs. 8–9 and 8–10)

  1. Three meningeal layers made of connective tissue:
    outer—dura mater; middle—arachnoid membrane;
    inner—pia mater; all three enclose the brain and
    spinal cord.

  2. Subarachnoid space contains CSF, the tissue fluid
    of the CNS.

  3. CSF is formed continuously in the ventricles
    of the brain by choroid plexuses, from blood

  4. CSF circulates from the ventricles to the central
    canal of the spinal cord and to the cranial and
    spinal subarachnoid spaces.

  5. CSF is reabsorbed from the cranial subarachnoid
    space through arachnoid villi into the blood in the
    cranial venous sinuses. The rate of reabsorption
    equals the rate of production.

The Nervous System 193
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