Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology

(avery) #1

(AMD), that is, loss of central vision, and some cases
seem to have a genetic component. In the dry form of
AMD, small fatty deposits impair circulation to the
macula, and cells die from lack of oxygen. In the wet

form of AMD, abnormal blood vessels begin leaking
into the retina, and cells in the macula die from the
damaging effects of blood outside its vessels. The
macula, the center of the visual field, is the part of

The Senses 205





Inferior rectus muscle

Canal of Schlemm

Suspensory ligament


Anterior cavity


Vitreous humor in
posterior cavity



Optic nerve

Optic disc

Retinal artery and vein

Fovea in macula lutea

Ciliary body (muscle)


Figure 9–5. Internal anatomy of the eyeball.
QUESTION:What is the function of the iris?


and blurry vision throughout the visual field is
the result. Small cataracts may be destroyed
by laser surgery. Artificial lenses are available, and
may be surgically implanted to replace an exten-
sively cloudy lens. The artificial lens is not
adjustable, however, and the person may require
glasses or contact lenses for vision at certain

The lens of the eye is normally transparent but may
become opaque; this cloudiness or opacity is called
acataract. Cataract formation is most common
among elderly people. With age, the proteins of the
lens break down and lose their transparency. Long-
term exposure to ultraviolet light (sunlight) seems to
be a contributing factor, as is smoking.
The cloudy lens does not refract light properly,
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