Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology

(avery) #1



New Terminology

Absorption (ab-ZORB-shun)
Active transport (AK-tiv TRANS-port)
Aerobic (air-ROH-bik)
Cell membrane (SELL MEM-brayn)
Chromosomes (KROH-muh-sohms)
Cytoplasm (SIGH-toh-plazm)
Diffusion (di-FEW-zhun)
Diploid number (DIH-ployd)
Filtration (fill-TRAY-shun)
Gametes (GAM-eets)
Gene (JEEN)
Haploid number (HA-ployd)
Meiosis (my-OH-sis)
Microvilli (MY-kro-VILL-eye)
Mitochondria (MY-toh-KAHN-dree-ah)
Mitosis (my-TOH-sis)
Nucleus (NEW-klee-us)
Organelles (OR-gan-ELLS)
Osmosis (ahs-MOH-sis)
Phagocytosis (FAG-oh-sigh-TOH-sis)
Pinocytosis (PIN-oh-sigh-TOH-sis)
Selectively permeable (se-LEK-tiv-lee PER-me-uh-
Theory (THEER-ree)

Related Clinical Terminology
Benign (bee-NINE)
Carcinogen (kar-SIN-oh-jen)
Chemotherapy (KEE-moh-THER-uh-pee)
Genetic disease (je-NET-ik di-ZEEZ)
Hypertonic (HIGH-per-TAHN-ik)
Hypotonic (HIGH-poh-TAHN-ik)
Isotonic (EYE-soh-TAHN-ik)
Malignant (muh-LIG-nunt)
Metastasis (muh-TASS-tuh-sis)
Mutation (mew-TAY-shun)

Terms that appear in bold type in the chapter text are defined in the glossary, which begins on page 547.

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