Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology

(avery) #1

by chemicals from the adjacent damaged tissue. Or the
dividing cells may be stem cells that are among the
specialized cells. (A region of the brain called the hip-
pocampus, which is necessary to form new memories,
seems to have cells capable of division.) At present we
do not have definitive knowledge, but we do know that
for most people with heart damage or central nervous
system injury, mitosis does not take place, or not suf-
ficiently enough to replace the cells that have died and
preserve or restore normal functioning of the organ.

Research is continuing, and may eventually find the
stimulus necessary to produce extended mitosis that
would bring about true tissue repair.

Meiosisis a more complex process of cell division that
results in the formation of gametes, which are egg
and sperm cells. In meiosis, one cell with the diploid
number of chromosomes divides twice to form four

Cells 61


the trigger is believed to be infection with certain
viruses that cause cellular mutations. Carriers of
hepatitis B virus, for example, are more likely to
develop primary liver cancer than are people who
have never been exposed to this virus. Research has
discovered two genes, one on chromosome 2 and
the other on chromosome 3, that contribute to a
certain form of colon cancer. Both of these genes
are the codes for proteins that correct the “mis-
takes” that may occur when the new DNA is syn-
thesized. When these repair proteins do not
function properly, the mistakes (mutations) in the
DNA lead to the synthesis of yet other faulty pro-
teins that impair the functioning of the cell and pre-
dispose it to becoming malignant.
Once cells have become malignant, their func-
tioning cannot return to normal, and though the
immune system will often destroy such cells, some-
times it does not, especially as we get older.
Therefore, the treatments for cancer are directed at
removing or destroying the abnormal cells. Surgery
to remove tumors, radiation to destroy cells, and
chemotherapyto stop cell division or interfere
with other aspects of cell metabolism are all aspects
of cancer treatment.
New chemotherapy drugs are becoming more
specific, with very precise targets. For example, the
cells of several types of solid-tumor cancers have
been found to have mutations in the gene for the
cell membrane receptor for a natural growth factor
(epidermal growth factor receptor, or EGFR). These
altered receptors, when triggered by their usual
growth factor, then cause the cell to divide uncon-
trollably, an abnormal response. Medications that
target only these altered receptors have already
been developed for some forms of lung cancer and
breast cancer. Not only do they show promise in
treating the cancer, they do not have the side
effects of other forms of chemotherapy.

There are more than 200 different types of cancer,
all of which are characterized by abnormal cellular
functioning. Normally, our cells undergo mitosis
only when necessary and stop when appropriate. A
cut in the skin, for example, is repaired by mitosis,
usually without formation of excess tissue. The new
cells fill in the damaged area, and mitosis slows
when the cells make contact with surrounding cells.
This is called contact inhibition, which limits the
new tissue to just what is needed. Malignant
(cancer) cells, however, are characterized by uncon-
trolled cell division. Our cells are genetically pro-
grammed to have particular life spans and to divide
or die. One gene is known to act as a brake on cell
division; another gene enables cells to live indefi-
nitely, beyond their normal life span, and to keep
dividing. Any imbalance in the activity of these
genes may lead to abnormal cell division. Such cells
are not inhibited by contact with other cells, keep
dividing, and tend to spread.
A malignant tumor begins in a primary site such
as the colon, then may spread or metastasize. Often
the malignant cells are carried by the lymph or
blood to other organs such as the liver, where sec-
ondary tumors develop. Metastasisis characteris-
tic only of malignant cells; benigntumors do not
metastasize but remain localized in their primary
What causes normal cells to become malignant?
At present, we have only partial answers. A malig-
nant cell is created by a mutation, a genetic
change that brings about abnormal cell functions
or responses and often leads to a series of muta-
tions. Environmental substances that cause muta-
tions are called carcinogens. One example is the
tar found in cigarette smoke, which is definitely a
cause of lung cancer. Ultraviolet light may also
cause mutations, especially in skin that is overex-
posed to sunlight. For a few specific kinds of cancer,
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