Tissues and Membranes
New Terminology
Bone (BOWNE)
Cartilage (KAR-ti-lidj)
Chondrocyte (KON-droh-sight)
Collagen (KAH-lah-jen)
Connective tissue (kah-NEK-tiv TISH-yoo)
Elastin (eh-LAS-tin)
Endocrine gland (EN-doh-krin GLAND)
Epithelial tissue (EP-i-THEE-lee-uhl TISH-yoo)
Exocrine gland (EK-so-krin GLAND)
Hemopoietic (HEE-moh-poy-ET-ik )
Matrix (MAY-triks)
Mucous membrane (MEW-kuss MEM-brayn)
Muscle tissue (MUSS-uhl TISH-yoo)
Myocardium (MY-oh-KAR-dee-um)
Nerve tissue (NERV TISH-yoo)
Neuron (NYOOR-on)
Neurotransmitter (NYOOR-oh-TRANS-mih-ter)
Osteocyte (AHS-tee-oh-sight)
Plasma (PLAZ-mah)
Secretion (see-KREE-shun)
Serous membrane (SEER-us MEM-brayn)
Synapse (SIN-aps)
Terms that appear in bold typein the chapter text are defined in the glossary, which begins on page 547.