Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology

(avery) #1


The cells of the heart, cardiac muscle, are shown in
Fig. 4–6. They are branched, have one nucleus each,
and have faint striations. The cell membranes at the
ends of these cells are somewhat folded and fit into
matching folds of the membranes of the next cells.
(Interlock the fingers of both hands to get an idea of
what these adjacent membranes look like.) These
interlocking folds are called intercalated discs, and
permit the electrical impulses of muscle contraction to
pass swiftly from cell to cell. This enables the heart to
beat in a very precise wave of contraction from the
upper chambers to the lower chambers. Cardiac mus-
cle as a whole is called the myocardium, and forms
the walls of the four chambers of the heart. Its func-
tion, therefore, is the function of the heart, to pump
blood. The contractions of the myocardium create
blood pressure and keep blood circulating throughout
the body, so that the blood can carry out its many
Cardiac muscle cells have the ability to contract by
themselves. Thus the heart maintains its own beat.
The role of nerve impulses is to increase or decrease
the heart rate, depending upon whatever is needed
by the body in a particular situation. We will return to
the heart in Chapter 12.


Nerve tissueconsists of nerve cells called neurons
and some specialized cells found only in the nervous

system. The nervous system has two divisions: the
central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral
nervous system (PNS). The brain and spinal cord are
the organs of the CNS. They are made of neurons and
specialized cells called neuroglia. The CNS and the
neuroglia are discussed in detail in Chapter 8. The
PNS consists of all of the nerves that emerge from
the CNS and supply the rest of the body. These nerves
are made of neurons and specialized cells called
Schwann cells. The Schwann cells form the myelin
sheath to electrically insulate neurons.
Neurons are capable of generating and transmit-
ting electrochemical impulses. There are many differ-
ent kinds of neurons, but they all have the same basic
structure (Fig. 4–7). The cell body contains the
nucleus and is essential for the continuing life of the
neuron. An axonis a process (the term “process” here
means “something that sticks out,” a cellular exten-
sion) that carries impulses away from the cell body; a
neuron has only one axon. Dendritesare processes
that carry impulses toward the cell body; a neuron
may have several dendrites. A nerve impulse travels
along the cell membrane of a neuron, and is electrical,
but where neurons meet there is a small space called a
synapse, which an electrical impulse cannot cross. At
a synapse, between the axon of one neuron and the
dendrite or cell body of the next neuron, impulse
transmission depends upon chemicals called neuro-
transmitters. A summary of nerve tissue is found in
Table 4–4, and each of these aspects of nerve tissue is
covered in more detail in Chapter 8.
Nerve tissue makes up the brain, spinal cord, and

Tissues and Membranes 81


Part Structure Function
Neuron (nerve cell)
Cell body


Schwann cells

Contains the nucleus
Cellular process (extension)
Cellular process (extension)
Space between axon of one neuron and the
dendrite or cell body of the next neuron
Chemicals released by axons
Specialized cells in the central nervous
Specialized cells in the peripheral nervous

  • Regulates the functioning of the neuron

  • Carries impulses away from the cell body

  • Carry impulses toward the cell body

  • Transmits impulses from one neuron
    to others

  • Transmit impulses across synapses

  • Form myelin sheaths and other functions

  • Form the myelin sheaths around neurons

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