Killers of the Flower Moon

(Frankie) #1

“My name is William J. Burns, and my address is New York,
London, Paris, Montreal, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles,
Seattle, New Orleans, Boston, Philadelphia, Cleveland, and
wherever else a law-abiding citizen may find need of men who
know how to go quietly about throwing out of ambush a hidden
assassin or drawing from cover criminals who prey upon those
who walk straight.” Though dubbed a “front-page detective” for his
incessant self-promotion, he had an impressive track record,
including catching those responsible for the 1910 bombing of the
headquarters of the Los Angeles Times, which killed twenty
people. The New York Times called Burns “perhaps the only really
great detective, the only detective of genius, whom this country
has produced,” and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle gave him the moniker
he longed for: “America’s Sherlock Holmes.”

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