Basic Engineering Mathematics, Fifth Edition

(Amelia) #1

122 Basic Engineering Mathematics

A table of values is drawn up as shown below.

t 0 1 2 3
e−t/^3 1.00 0.7165 0.5134 0.3679

v= 250 e−t/^3 250.0 179.1 128.4 91.97

t 4 5 6

e−t/^3 0.2636 0.1889 0.1353

v= 250 e−t/^3 65.90 47.22 33.83

The natural decay curve ofv= 250 e−t/^3 is shown in
Figure 16.4.





v (volts)

Time t (seconds)

v 5 250 e^2 t/3

0 1 1.5 2 3 3.4 4 5 6

Figure 16.4

From the graph,
(a) when timet=3.4s,voltagev=80V,and
(b) whenvoltagev=150V,timet=1.5s.

Now try the following Practice Exercise

PracticeExercise 64 Exponential graphs
(answers on page 347)

  1. Plot a graph ofy= 3 e^0.^2 x over the range
    x=−3tox=3. Hence determine the value
    ofywhenx= 1 .4 and the value ofxwhen
    y= 4. 5

  2. Plot a graph ofy=


e−^1.^5 x over a range
x=− 1 .5tox= 1 .5 and then determine the
value ofywhenx=− 0 .8 and the value ofx
wheny= 3. 5

  1. In a chemical reaction the amount of starting
    materialCcm^3 left aftertminutes is given
    byC= 40 e−^0.^006 t.PlotagraphofCagainst
    tand determine
    (a) the concentrationCafter 1hour.
    (b) the time taken for the concentration to
    decrease by half.

  2. The rate at which a body cools is given by
    θ= 250 e−^0.^05 twhere the excess of tempera-
    ture of a body above its surroundings at timet
    minutes isθ◦C. Plota graph showingthe nat-
    ural decay curve for the firsthour of cooling.
    Then determine
    (a) the temperature after 25 minutes.
    (b) the time when the temperature is 195◦C.

16.4 Napierian logarithms

Logarithms having a base ofeare calledhyperbolic,
Napierianornatural logarithmsand the Napierian
logarithm ofxis written as logexor, more commonly,
as lnx. Logarithms were invented by John Napier, a
Scotsman (1550–1617).
The most common method of evaluating a Napierian
calculator to check the following values:
ln 4. 328 = 1. 46510554 ...= 1 .4651, correct to 4
decimal places
ln 1. 812 = 0 .59443, correct to 5 significant figures
ln 1= 0
ln 527= 6 .2672, correct to 5 significant figures
ln 0. 17 =− 1 .772, correct to 4 significant figures
ln 0. 00042 =− 7 .77526, correct to 6 significant
lne^3 = 3
lne^1 = 1
From the last two examples we can conclude that


This is useful whensolving equations involving expo-
nential functions. For example, to solvee^3 x=7, take
Napierian logarithms of both sides, which gives
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