Basic Engineering Mathematics, Fifth Edition

(Amelia) #1

144 Basic Engineering Mathematics

(Note that the vertical lineABand the horizon-
tal lineBCmay be constructed anywhere along
the length of the straight line. However, calcula-
tions are made easier if the horizontal lineBCis
carefully chosen; in this case, 100.)
(b) TheR-axis intercept is atR=10ohms(by extra-
(c) Theequation of astraight lineisy=mx+c,when
yis plotted on the vertical axis andxon the hori-
zontal axis.mrepresents the gradient andcthe
y-axis intercept. In this case,Rcorresponds toy,
Vcorresponds tox,m= 1 .25 andc=10. Hence,
the equation of the graph isR=( 1 .25V+ 10 ).
From Figure 17.21,
(d) When the voltage is 60V, the resistance is 85 .
(e) Whentheresistanceis40ohms,thevoltageis24V.
(f) By extrapolation, when the voltage is 110V, the
resistance is 147 .

Problem 16. Experimental tests to determine the
breaking stressσof rolled copper at various
temperaturestgave the following results.

Stressσ(N/cm^2 ) 8.46 8.04 7.78

Temperaturet(◦C) 70 200 280

Stressσ(N/cm^2 ) 7.37 7.08 6.63

Temperaturet(◦C) 410 500 640

Show that the values obey the lawσ=at+b,
whereaandbare constants, and determine
approximate values foraandb. Use the law to
determine the stress at 250◦C and the temperature
when the stress is 7.54N/cm^2.

The co-ordinates (70, 8.46), (200, 8.04), and so on, are
plotted as shown in Figure 17.22. Since the graph is a
straight line then the values obey the lawσ=at+b,
and the gradient of the straight line is




8. 36 − 6. 76
100 − 600


1. 60
− 500


Vertical axis intercept,b= 8. 68
Hence, the law of the graph isσ= 0. 0032 t+ 8. 68
When the temperature is 250◦C, stressσis given by

σ=− 0. 0032 ( 250 )+ 8. 68 =7.88N/cm^2

Temperature t ( 8 C)




2 )








(^0) 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Figure 17.22
Rearrangingσ=− 0. 0032 t+ 8 .68 gives
0. 0032 t= 8. 68 −σ, i.e. t=
8. 68 −σ
0. 0032
Hence, when the stress,σ=7.54N/cm^2 ,
8. 68 − 7. 54
0. 0032
Now try the following Practice Exercise
PracticeExercise 69 Practical problems
involving straight line graphs (answers on
page 347)

  1. The resistanceRohms of a copper winding
    is measured at various temperaturest◦Cand
    the results are as follows:

R(ohms) 112 120 126 131 134

t◦C 20 36 48 58 64

Plot a graph ofR(vertically) againstt(hori-
zontally) and find from it (a) the temperature
when the resistance is 122and (b) the
resistance when the temperature is 52◦C.

  1. The speed of a motor varies with armature
    voltage as shown by the following experi-
    mental results.

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