Basic Engineering Mathematics, Fifth Edition

(Amelia) #1

Revision Test 7 : Graphs

This assignment covers the material contained in Chapters 17–19.The marks available are shown in brackets at the
end of each question.

  1. Determine the value ofPin the followingtable of
    x 0 1 4

y= 3 x− 5 − 5 − 2 P (2)

  1. Assuming graph paper measuring 20cm by 20cm
    is available, suggest suitable scales for the follow-
    ing ranges of values.
    Horizontal axis: 5N to 70N; vertical axis: 20mm
    to 190mm. (2)

  2. Correspondingvaluesobtainedexperimentallyfor
    two quantities are:

x − 5 − 3 − 1 0 2 4

y − 17 − 11 − 5 − 2 4 10

Plot a graph of y(vertically) againstx (hori-
zontally) to scales of 1cm=1 for the horizontal
x-axis and 1cm=2 for the verticaly-axis. From
the graph, find
(a) the value ofywhenx=3,
(b) the value ofywhenx=−4,
(c) the value ofxwheny=1,
(d) the value ofxwheny=−20. (8)

  1. If graphs ofyagainstxwere to be plotted for each
    of the following,state (i) the gradient, and (ii) the
    y-axis intercept.
    (a) y=− 5 x+3(b)y= 7 x
    (c) 2y+ 4 = 5 x (d) 5x+ 2 y= 6

(e) 2x−





  1. TheresistanceRohmsofacopperwindingismea-
    sured at various temperaturest◦C and the results
    are as follows.

R() 38 47 55 62 72

t(◦C) 16 34 50 64 84

Plot a graph ofR(vertically) againstt(horizon-
tally) and find from it
(a) the temperature when the resistance is 50,
(b) the resistance when the temperature is 72◦C,
(c) the gradient,
(d) the equation of the graph. (10)

  1. xand yare two related variables and all other
    letters denote constants. For the stated laws to
    be verified it is necessary to plot graphs of the
    variables in a modified form. State for each
    (a) what should be plotted on the vertical axis,
    (b) what should be plotted on the horizontal axis,
    (c) the gradient,
    (d) the vertical axis intercept.
    (i) y=p+rx^2 (ii) y=


+bx (4)

  1. The following results give corresponding values
    of two quantitiesxandywhich are believed to be
    related by a law of the formy=ax^2 +bxwhere
    aandbare constants.

y 33.9 55.5 72.8 84.1 111.4 168.1

x 3.4 5.2 6.5 7.3 9.1 12.4

Verify the law and determine approximate values
Hence determine (i) the value ofywhenxis 8.0
and (ii) the value ofxwhenyis 146.5 (18)

  1. By taking logarithms of both sides ofy=kxn,
    show that lgyneeds to be plotted vertically and
    lgxneeds to be plotted horizontally to produce
    a straight line graph. Also, state the gradient and
    vertical-axis intercept. (6)

  2. By taking logarithms of both sides ofy=aekx
    show that lnyneeds to be plotted vertically and
    xneeds to be plotted horizontally to produce a
    straight line graph. Also, state the gradient and
    vertical-axis intercept. (6)

  3. Show from the following results of voltageVand
    admittanceYof an electrical circuit that the law
    connecting the quantities is of the formV=kYn
    and determine the values ofkandn.

V(volts) 2.88 2.05 1.60 1.22 0.96

Y(siemens) 0.52 0.73 0.94 1.23 1.57
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