58 Basic Engineering Mathematics
Hence, 42× 105 = 4. 2 × 106 in engineering
=4.2 Min prefix form.
(b) Enter 47÷ 1010 =
into the calcu-
lator. Press=
NowpressENGandtheansweris4. 7 × 10 −^9.
From the table of prefixes on page 55, 10−^9
corresponds to nano.
Hence, 47÷ 1010 F=4.7× 10 −^9 Fin engineer-
ing notation
=4.7nFin prefix form.
Problem 8. Rewrite (a) 0.056mA inμA
(b) 16700kHz as MHz
(a) Enter 0. 056 ÷1000 into the calculator (since milli
means÷1000). Press=
Now press ENG and the answer is 56× 10 −^6.
From the table of prefixes on page 55, 10−^6
corresponds to micro.
Hence, 0.056mA=
0. 056
A= 56 × 10 −^6 A
= 56 μA.
(b) Enter 16700×1000 into the calculator (since kilo
means×1000). Press=
Now press ENG and the answer is 16. 7 × 106.
From the table of prefixes on page 55, 10^6 corre-
sponds to mega.
Hence, 16700kHz= 16700 ×1000Hz
= 16. 7 × 106 Hz
Problem 9. Rewrite (a) 63× 104 VinkV
(b) 3100pF in nF
(a) Enter 63× 104 into the calculator. Press=
Now press ENG and the answer is 630× 103.
From the table of prefixes on page 55, 10^3 corre-
sponds to kilo.
Hence, 63× 104 V= 630 × 103 V=630kV.
(b) Enter 3100× 10 −^12 into the calculator. Press=
Now press ENG and the answer is 3. 1 × 10 −^9.
From the table of prefixes on page 55, 10−^9
corresponds to nano.
Hence, 3100pF= 31 × 10 −^12 F= 3. 1 × 10 −^9 F
=3.1 nF
Problem 10. Rewrite (a) 14700mm in metres
(b) 276cm in metres (c) 3.375kg in grams
(a) 1m=1000mm, hence
= 10 −^3 m.
Hence, 14700mm= 14700 × 10 −^3 m= 14 .7m.
(b) 1m=100cm, hence 1cm=
= 10 −^2 m.
Hence, 276cm= 276 × 10 −^2 m= 2 .76m.
(c) 1kg=1000g= 103 g
Hence, 3.375kg= 3. 375 × 103 g=3375g.
Now try the following Practice Exercise
PracticeExercise 34 Engineering notation
(answers on page 343)
In problems 1 to 12, express in engineering nota-
tion in prefix form.
- 60000Pa
- 0.00015W
- 5× 107 V
- 5 × 10 −^8 F
- 100000W
- 0.00054A
- 15× 105
- 225× 10 −^4 V
- 35000000000Hz
- 5 × 10 −^11 F
- 0.000017A
- 46200