Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

The following steps followed to intersect the imaginary surfaces with the contour map
at Al-Auja Airport:

1 - The contour map (1m) intervals were obtained from the Gemolog and imported to
the ARCMAP, then the contour lines were provided with the airport coordinates to
link them in one shapefile.

2 - The imaginary surfaces were drawn on AutoCAD and then transferred to Sketch
Up and uploaded to the previously mentioned dimensions and heights, Considering
the coordinate system of GeoMolg.

3 - The contour lines and point coordinates of the airport were uploaded to
ARCSCENE to have a three-dimensional view of the contour lines. From this
analysis, it was emerged that the area is level and has great potential as the airport
selected site, with no obstacles.

4 - The imaginary layers were drawn with real dimensions and slopes imported from
Skate-Up to ARCSCENE.

5 - The contour lines are linked with the imaginary surfaces in the same coordinate
system to come up with an accurate intersection.

Figure 6- 9 and Figure 6- 10 illustrate the layout of the imaginary surfaces with
contour lines; it shows that there are no obstacles founded in the airspace of the
departure and approach ends of the runway.
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