Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1
Overall Space Approximation:

The primary users of airport passenger terminals are travelers, well-wishers,
meeters/greeters, airline employees, concessionaires, government, airport owner/operator
staff, and other airport tenants. The terminal facilities must accommodate all these users.

The FAA has indicated that the gross terminal area space requirements of between 0.08
and 0.12 ft^2 (0.007-0.011 m^2 ) per annual enplaned passenger are reasonable. Another
estimate is obtained by applying a ratio of 150 ft^2 (14 m^2 ) per design hour passenger.

  • The first assumption: Gross terminal area is between 0.007 and 0.011 퐦ퟐ per
    annual enplaned passenger, taking the average value of 0.009 퐦ퟐ per annual
    enplaned passenger.

Table 6 - 7 Gross Terminal Building Area I

Phase Year Annual enplaned

Gross Terminal Building
Area (m^2 )
2027 - 2034 2034 3,910,263 35,192
2035 - 2042 2042 6,357,227 57,215
2043 - 2050 2050 10,120,441 91,084

  • Sample calculation for 2034:

Gross terminal building area = 3,910,263 *0.009

= 35,192 m^2

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