Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

Table 6- 9 shows the number of peak hour enplaned passengers, as illustrated in Figure 6-

Table 6 - 9Peak Hour Enplaned Passengers

Peak Hour

%Daily Passengers
in Peak Hour

Peak Daily

Phase Year (^) Passengers
2027 - 2034 2034 28,830 9.80% 2,825
2035 - 2042 2042 46,671 9.40% 4,387
2043 - 2050 2050 73,566 9.10% 6,695
Table 6- 10 shows the gross terminal building area, depending on the second assumption.

Table 6 - 10 Gross Terminal Building Area II

Gross Terminal
Building Area (m2)

Peak Hour

Phase Year

2027 - 2034 2034 2,825 39,550
2035 - 2042 2042 4,387 61,418
2043 - 2050 2050 6,695 93,730

  • Sample of calculation for 2030:

Gross terminal building area in Phase I (2023-2030)

= 2,825*14 = 39,550 m^2.

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