Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1
c- Maximum design takeoff weight = 1,267,658 pounds.

d- Maximum design landing weight = 870,826 pounds.

e- The temperature at standard conditions: The relationship between airport
elevation and standard day temperature was specified in the FAA (AC
150/5325-4B), as shown in Table 7 - 1.

Table 7 - 1 Airport Elevation and Standard Day Temperature

Airport Elevation Standard Day Temperature (SDT)

Feet Meters  F  C

0 0 59 15
2,000 609 51.9 11.04
4,000 1,219 44.7 7.06
6,000 1,828 37.6 3.11

8,000 2,438 30.5 - 0.85

As the elevation of Al-Auja Airport is considered at the mean sea level (0.0 ft elevation),
the standard day temperature is 15o C (59o F), conducted from Table 7 - 1.

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