Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

The runway system dimensions based on the ADG ( VI as specified in Table 5-3 ) as

a- Runway structural pavement (width is 200 ft/ 60m), supports the aircraft
regarding the structural load, maneuverability, stability, and other operational and
dimensional criteria.

b- Shoulder (width is 40 ft/ 12m), is adjacent to the edges of the structural
pavement, provides resistance to jet blast erosion, and accommodates the passage
of maintenance and emergency equipment, and the occasional passage of aircraft
veering from the runway.

c- Blast pad (width is 280 ft/ 85m, and length is 400 ft/ 120 m), is a paved area
designed to prevent erosion of the surfaces adjacent to the ends of runways due
to the jet blast or propeller wash.

d- Runway Safety Area- RSA- (width is 50 0 ft/ 143 m, and length is 1000 ft/
305 m), is an area surrounding the runway, suitable for reducing the risk of
damage to aircraft at urgent events. The RSA includes the structural pavement,
shoulders, and blast pad.

e- Runway object free area- ROFA- (width is 80 0 ft/ 244 m, and length is 1000
ft/ 305 m), is a two- dimensional ground area surrounding the runway which must
be clear of any object other than whose location is fixed by function.
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