Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

7.2.1 Airfield Separation Requirements Related to Runways

The minimum distance from the runway centerline to parallel taxiways, taxilanes, aircraft
holding lines, helicopter touchdown pads, and aircraft parking areas are specified by the
FAA in Table 7- 4.

The airfield separation is determined by the flying rules, weather conditions, as well as
airport design group (VI). As specified in section 6.2.2, the flying rule that was adopted is
precision instrument flight rules (IFR).

Table 7 - 4 Airfield Separation Criteria for Aircraft Approach Category C / D, ft*

*Source: Horonjeff, Mckelvey, Sproule, Young, 2010. " Planning and
Design of Airports".
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