Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

7.2.3 Runway Transverse Slope

The FAA specifications for the transverse slope on the runways are given in Table 7- 5 and
shown in Table 7- 8 , Figure 7- 4.

Figure 7 - 4 Runway System Transverse Slopes


1 - Construct a 4cm drop between paved and unpaved surfaces.
2 - Maintain a -5.0% grade for the first 3m of the unpaved surface adjacent to the paved
3 - Should be 0% or negative to the edge of the runway OFA.

Table 7 - 8Runway System Max Transverse Slopes

S- 1 1.50%

S- 2 1.5-5%

S- 3 1.50%

S- 4 0%
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