Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

7.3.1 Taxiway and Taxilane Separation Requirements

To provide a margin of safety in the airport operating areas, the traffic ways must be
separated sufficiently from each other and adjacent obstructions. The minimum separation
between taxiways, between a taxiway and a taxilane, or between a taxiway and a fixed or
movable object, are presented in Table 7- 9.

The values indicated in Table 7- 9 are based on the required wingtip clearance, which is a
function of the wingspan and is thus determined by ADG (VI).

Table 7 - 9 Design Standards of Taxiway System based on Airplane Design Group*

*Source: FAA, Advisory Circular 150/5300- 13 - A "Airport Design"

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