Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

7.3.2 Taxiway System Geometric Specifications

Pavement width requirements for taxiing airplanes are based on TDG (7 as shown in Figure
7 - 5 ), which in turn is based on the dimensions of the airplane's undercarriage, that is, the
MGW and the CMG. The minimum width for straight segments and the geometry of
pavement fillets on turns are summarized in Table 7- 10.

Table 7 - 10 Design Standards of Taxiway System based on Taxiway Design Group*

*Source: FAA, Advisory Circular 150/5300- 13 - A "Airport Design"

  • Notes:
    1 - Taxiway Edge Safety Margin (TESM): is measured from the outside of the
    landing gear to the taxiway edge.
    2 - Paved shoulders are required for taxiways, taxilanes, and aprons accommodating
    ADG-IV and higher aircraft.

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