Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

7. 4 Exit Taxiway

Exit taxiways should permit free flow from the runway to the parallel taxiway or at least
to a point where the aircraft is completely clear of the hold line. The function of exit
taxiways is to minimize runway occupancy by landing aircraft. Runway exit taxiways are
classified as "right angle" or "acute angle."

a- Right angle taxiway: When the design peak hour traffic is less than 30 operations
(landings and takeoffs), a properly located right-angled exit taxiway will achieve
an efficient flow of traffic. Each runway end must be served by an entrance
taxiway, which also serves as the final exit taxiway for operations in the opposite
direction. Connect entrance taxiways to the runway end at a right angle.

b- High-speed exit taxiways: A specific case of an acute angle runway exit taxiway
that forms a 30-degree angle with the runway centerline is commonly referred to
as a " high speed' exit taxiway. The function of a high-speed exit is to enhance
airport capacity.
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