Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

Figure 7 - 19 Exit Taxiway Assessment B – New Runway Occupancy Time

Table 7- 20 summarizes the final types and locations of the exit taxiways; all exits were chosen to
maintain the minimum runway occupancy time and to enhance the runway capacity as possible and
keeping safety in the first place.

Table 7 - 20 Runway-Taxiway Exits Final Location, in meter



Point of Curvature
Location (m)
E- 1 30 o 1,500
E- 2 30 o 1,900
E- 3 30 o 2,200
E- 4 90 o 2,600
E- 5 90 o 3,600

* Notes:
1 - The same exits were imposed from the other threshold of the runway to ensure flexibility
in the flight process, noting that take-off and landing are permitted in the two directions
of the runway.
2 - Right, and left runway systems are symmetrical.
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