Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1
c- Apron layout
The primary design consideration is to provide adequate wingtip clearances for the aircraft
positions and the associated taxilanes. Parked aircraft must remain clear of the Object Free Areas
(OFAS) of runways and taxiways and no part of the parked aircraft should penetrate the runway
approach and departure surfaces. Table 7- 3 on page 122 gives the required setback from a runway
to parked aircraft, which is 500 ft (152m).

d- Efficiency
An efficient apron design should address ease of aircraft maneuvering. The layout of aprons should
be grouped according to the aircraft wingspan. This allows the taxilane width to be optimized for the
aircraft using the area. Table 8- 4 shows the groups of the apron dimensions.

e- Safety

The integration of many main design elements results in safe maneuvering of aircraft on an apron.
Depending on the maneuverability, and size of the aircraft; the taxilanes of the apron area were
configured to accommodate the movement of two aircraft at the same time, and the movement of
service vehicles. Table 8- 5 shows the width of taxilane needed for each group of aircraft.

8.1.2 Terminal Aprons Design

Apron layout depends on the geometric properties of a given design aircraft and/ or the combination
of aircraft that will use the facility, including wingspan and fuselage length, on aircraft gate number
and positions, on the aircraft and ground vehicle circulation need, and aircraft clearance
requirements. This section explains the approach that was followed to design the terminal aprons;
based on the design characteristics described in section 8.1.1.

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