Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1
Step 3- Choose three-dimension classes that comprise the entire aircraft mix, based on the wingspan
and length of the aircraft. As shown in Table 8- 4 and Figure 8-1.

Figure 8 - 1 Terminal Aprons/Gates Dimensions Classes

Table 8 - 4Classes Dimensions Details

Phase I, II Phase III
Class Aircraft X Y Percentage of Total
28 gates 55 gates

91.3% 26 50

A321- 200 52 55 17.90%

Class I

A310- 200 52 55 1.80%
A320- 200 52 55 17.90%
A319- 100 52 55 17.90%
Embraer 195 52 55 17.90%
Embraer 175 52 55 17.90%

5.4% 2 3

A330- 300 70 72 1.80%

Class II B787-^8 70 72 1.80%^
A340- 200 70 72 1.80%

3.6% 1 2
Class A380-^800 91 79 1.80%^

III (^) B- 747 91 79 1.80%

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