Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

8.1.3 Hangar Apron............................................................................................

Many aircraft owners will prefer to have their aircraft stored in hangars for security and protection
against wind and other adverse weather conditions. A hanger is an area in which aircraft is stored in.
The surface of such an apron is usually paved.

Hangar bays can be joined (nested) in T-shaped or rectangular buildings separated from the next
hangar. Usually, interior walls separate the individual bays and each bay has its door. T-hangars are
designed to maximize the number of aircraft per apron area. Box or rectangular hangars can be sized
larger to store multiple aircraft of varying sizes as shown in Figure 8-2.

Hangar design must always allow aircraft to maintain specified clearances during movement

Figure 8 - 2 Ain Al-Auja Hanger Apron

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