Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

8.1.4 Holding Aprons

Holding bays/pads for runway ends, standing space for aircraft awaiting clearance, and permitting
those aircraft already cleared to move to their runway takeoff position. A holding bay should be
provided when runway operations reach a level of 30 per hour.

Holding bays must be designed for the largest aircraft which will use the pad (A380-800). It should
be located so that all aircraft using the pad will be located outside both the runway and taxiway object-
free area (59 m from the taxiway centerline as shown in Table 7- 9 on page 133).

Figure 8- 3 shows a holding bay configuration, at the end of each runway.

Figure 8 - 3 Ain Al-Auja Holding Aprons / Bays

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