Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

8.2 Terminal Building

As the passenger terminal system is the major connection between the ground access system and the
aircraft; a sufficient area that accommodates the expected number of passengers must be provided.
The gross area of the terminal building at PhaseI and II is 61,418 m^2 , and 93,730 m^2 at Phase III
(Table 6- 10 on page 111 ).

8.2.1 Location of the Terminal Building

Placing the terminal area between the parallel runways minimizes taxi operations across active
runways and increases the operational efficiency of the airport. On the other hand, the terminal
building has been located at 700 m from the runway threshold, to provide enough space for the
landside and roadway elements, whether parking or circulation in front of the building, to connect
the airport with the transportation system.

8.2.2 Vertical Distribution Concept

The basis for distributing the primary processing activities in a passenger terminal among several
levels is mainly to separate the flow of arriving and departing passengers when the passenger
volume is relatively high. In this case, departing passenger processing activities occur on the upper
level, and arriving passengers' processing occurs at the lower level, as shown in Figure 8- 4 , and
Figure 8- 5.

Figure 8 - 4 Vertical Distribution Concept at Terminal Building - Airside

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