Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

CHAPTER 10 airport marking, lighting, and signage

Airport visual aids are used to guide pilots maneuvering on the ground, as well as when departing
and landing at airports. With thousands of flights taking place every day, air travel must adhere to
certain standards to ensure the safety of the aircraft and its passengers. Because of the complexity of
air traffic control and flight, these visual aids are critical for safe air operations. Including lighting,
marking, and signage.

10.1 Airport Marking

This section provides the standards for surface markings used on airfield pavements (runways,
taxiways, and aprons). The FAA provides guidance for designing standard airfield marking through
published Advisory Circular AC 150/5340-1M " Standards for Airport Markings".

10.1.1 Surface Markings for Runways

The minimum requirements for surface marking schemes used for runways are a direct function of
the approach category for each runway threshold. Table 10- 1 and Figure 10- 1 identifies the
minimum standard surface marking schemes for paved runways based upon the approach category,
noting that the approach category at Al-Auja International Airport is a precision approach as
determined in Section 6.5.

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