Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

List of Abbreviations

ADG: Airplane Design Group.

AC: Advisory Circular.

APM: Airport Planning Manual.

ARFF: Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting Equipment.

ASP: Asphalt.

a: deceleration of the aircraft on the runway.

CBR: California Bearing Ratio.

Cl: Center Line.

CMG: Cockpit to Main Gear.

D: distance from the runway threshold to the exits.

Dtd: distance from the runway threshold to the point where the aircraft touches down.

De: distance from the touchdown point to the exit.

DMS: Degrees, minutes, and seconds.

FAA: The Federal Aviation Administration, is an operating mode of the U.S. Department
of Transportation.

f: future passengers demand

Geomolg: an authoritative geospatial web mapping application in Palestine that provides
a wide variety of data in terms of maps associated with attribute table.

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