Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1
Runway Shoulder Marking.

  • Purpose.
    The runway shoulder marking is used as a supplement to further delineate a paved runway
    shoulder that pilots have mistaken or are likely to mistake as the usable runway. This
    marking is used only in conjunction with the runway edge marking.

  • Location.

The runway shoulder marking is located between the runway edge marking and
the outer edge of the paved shoulder.

  • Color.


  • Characteristics.

The runway shoulder marking is yellow, consists of stripes 0.9 m in width, and
spaced 30.5 m apart along the edge of the runway. The stripes start at the runway
midpoint, are slanted at an angle of 45 degrees to the runway centerline, and are
oriented as shown in Figure 10 - 9.

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