Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1
Taxiway Edge Marking.

  • Purpose.

The taxiway edge marking, a dual continuous or dashed marking, is used along a taxi
route to alert pilots where the demarcation line exists between usable pavement for
taxi operations and unusable pavement and to identify the edge of a taxi route located
on sizeable paved areas that can be crossed over by the pilot.

  • Continuity of Taxiway Edge Marking.

The continuous taxiway edge marking is used to delineate the taxiway edge from the
shoulder or some other contiguous paved surface that is not intended for use by
pilots. Continuous taxiway edge markings are never used in any operational situation
where pilots are permitted to cross this surface marking. A common application for
this surface marking is a taxi route along the outer edge of a terminal apron.

  • Location.

The taxiway edge marking is located such that the outer edge of the continuous line
or dashed line defines the edge of the usable pavement.

  • Color.

Both taxiway edge marking schemes are yellow. If black borders are necessary, the
black borders on the outside of the marking can be (15 cm) in width.

  • Characteristics.

  • The continuous taxiway edge marking consists of dual, continuous lines with each
    line being at least (15 cm) in width and spaced (15 cm) apart (edge to edge). As
    shown in Figure 10- 12.

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