Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

  • The dashed taxiway edge marking consists of dual dashed yellow lines that are at
    least (15 cm) in width and offset (15 cm) apart (edge to edge). The dashed lines
    are (4.5 m) in length with (7.5m) gaps. As shown in Figure 10- 1 2.

Figure 10 - 12 Taxiway Edge Markings - 2 Cases

Taxiway Shoulder Markings.

  • Location.

  • Referring to Figure 10 - 13 on straight sections, the taxiway shoulder markings will be
    placed perpendicular at each point of intersection with the defined edge of the paved
    taxiway or the taxiway edge marking. The spacing of the markings, centerline-to-
    centerline, will not exceed (30.5 m) between two adjacent markings.

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