Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

The runway edge lights are white except in the caution zone. When there is an instrument
approach at each runway end; yellow/white lights are substituted for white lights at the last/
first 610 m of the runway or one-half of the runway length, whichever is less.

  • Color / HIRL.
    When there is an instrument approach at each runway end, yellow/white lights are
    installed at each runway end, at the last/ first 610 m of the runway, or one-half of the
    runway length, whichever is less.

  • Location and Spacing

  • The runway edge lights are located on a line parallel to the runway centerline at least
    0.6m, but not more than 3m, from the edge of the full-strength pavement designated
    for runway use

  • Longitudinal spacing between light units must not exceed 6 0 m.

Runway Centerline Lighting

  • Location

The runway centerline lights are located along the runway centerline at 15 m equally
spaced longitudinal intervals. The light base installation must be no closer than 0.6m
from the physical centerline, to avoid the centerline marking and the nose gear of the
aircraft from riding over the light fixtures

  • Color Coding
    The last 900m portion of the runway centerline lighting system is color-coded to
    warn pilots of the impending runway end. Alternating red and white lights are
    installed, starting with red, as seen from 900m to 300m from the runway end, and
    red lights are installed in the last 300m portion. As shown in Figure 10- 16
    Touchdown Zone Lighting

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