Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

  • Touchdown zone lights consist of two white rows of transverse light bars located
    symmetrically about the runway centerline. Align the lighting fixtures in each row
    perpendicular to the runway centerline, as shown in Figure 10-16.

  • The rows of light bars extend to 900m, or one-half of the runway length, which is

Runway Threshold Lighting

  • Color.

  • Threshold lights emit light green light outward from the runway and emit red lights
    toward the runway to mark the ends of the runway.

  • The green lights indicate the landing threshold to arriving aircraft and the red lights
    indicate the end of the runway for departing aircraft.

  • Location and Spacing

  • The threshold lights are located on a line perpendicular to the extended runway
    centerline at least 0.6m but not more than 3m before the designated runway threshold.

  • The lights are installed in two groups located symmetrically about the extended runway
    centerline, having four lights in each group. The outermost light in each group is
    located in line with the runway edge light. As shown in Figure 10- 16 and 10 - 17

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