Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1
Runway Guard Lights (RGLs)

Elevated and in-pavement RGLs serve the same purpose and are generally not both installed
at the same runway holding position.

  • Runway Guard Lights Selection

  • In-pavement runway guard lights should be installed at the runway holding position if the
    taxiway has centerline lights installed, or the taxiway is greater than (45 m) wide, or a stop
    bar is installed at the ILS critical area holding position.

  • Elevated guard lights should be installed if the taxiway has a stop bar installed at the
    runway holding position.

  • Color

  • In-pavement combination stop bar/runway guard light fixtures (dual red/yellow lens) may
    be installed at the discretion of the airport operator. The yellow in-pavement lights may
    not be turned on when the stop bar is in operation.

  • Location

  • In-pavement RGLs are centered on an imaginary line that is parallel to, and (0.6 m)
    from the holding side of the runway holding position marking, per Figure 10 - 20.

  • Elevated RGLS are collocated with the runway holding position marking and are
    normally installed on each side of the taxiway. The distance from the defined taxiway
    edge to the near side of an installed light fixture must be (3 to 5 m). As shown in
    Figure10- 20.

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