Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1


The value of constructing the airport in several phases is represented in studying the
possibility of expansion and development, assessing the airport's overall performance, and
trying to attempt a continual improvement mechanism. One of the most important
advantages of the phases is that the total cost is properly distributed, leading to the optimal
use of resources and money.

Therefore, the quantities and cost of the right and left runway and taxiway systems have
been analyzed, and it has been found that the right system requires a lower cost than the
left, so it is preferable to start its construction while deferring the other runway for the
second and third phases.

Table 11- 1 shows the prices and the assumptions that were adopted to estimate the cost of
each item; noting that the prices were approved after investigating the Palestinian and
International markets.

Table 11 - 1 Adopted Prices and Assumptions

Item Unit $ Unit Cost $

Excavation ( Cut) m^3 4
Fill m^3 6
HMA ( d=25cm) m^3 65
PCC ( d = 35cm) m^2 171
Base Course m^3 40
Marking (w=15cm) L.M 3
Terminal Building m^2 4,770
Airfield Signage # 1,500
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