Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

Once upon a time, Palestine had its
international airport. It was Qalandiya
Airport (Jerusalem Regional Airport),
located between Jerusalem and Ramallah,
close to Qalandiya. However, the airport
unlikely closed after the breakout of the
Second Intifada in 2001.

The second airport is Yasser Arafat
International Airport, located in the
southern part of Gaza Strip, and was
operated in 1997. The airport gave the
citizens of Gaza Strip better access to the
world outside their narrow confines, but
the long-awaited airport didn't last long
though. It was destroyed in 2001.

One of the proposed sites for the construction of the airport is Al-Auja in Jericho. Jericho
is considered the oldest and lowest city in the world and is located 36 km east of Jerusalem,
on the road leading to Jordan. Ain Al-Auja is located on the eastern road linking Bisan with
the Dead Sea along the Jordan River.

Figure 1 - 1 Qalandia Airport

Figure 1 - 2 Yasser Arafat Internationa Airport..................................................................

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