Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1
Table 12 - 2 is a summary of SWOT analysis results, with assessed weight for the factors
considered, as conducted in-class project titled "The Geographical Location of Palestine
International Airport, an Empirical Study." ( Mustafa, A.; Qaisi, Kh.; Rabay'a, R.; Barqawi,
A., 2013 ).

Table 12 - 2 SWOT Analysis Results

Factors (^) (North of Jericho)Al-Auja Airport (South of Jericho)Puki'ah Airport Qalandia Airport
Topography 20/100 17/20 17/20 19/20
Road Accessibility 10/100 10/10 10/10 10/10
Land Ownership and
Social Assessment 15/100^ 15/10^ 7/15^ 8/15^
Land Use and

15/100 11/15 14/15 10/15

Soil Conditions 10/100 10/10 9/10 10/10

Distance from Main
Cities 15/100^ 13/15^ 13/15^ 15/15^
Closeness to the
residential buildings 15/100^ 15/15^ 15/15^ 2/15^
Total 100/100^ 91%^ 85%^ 74%^

Table 12 - 2 shows, according to the SWOT analysis, that the ideal alternative to
establishing a Palestinian international airport is Al-Auja (North of Jericho).
As for Qalandia airport, it has a historical position and great importance in Palestinian
society, and thus it can be designed as a regional airport. This is due to its restricted site,
the difficulty of future expansion, pollution, and the noise it causes to the surrounding area.
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