Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

12.3 Airport Efficiency and Operational Cost Assessment:

As it is known that any project incurs preliminary expenses during the construction phase
and operating expenses that include (operating of the project as well as repairs to the
various parts of the project).

  • Airport Construction Coast: was missioned in detail. As shown in Table 11- 3
    and Table 11 - 4.

  • Airport Operation Cost: From studies conducted by the US Global Investors,
    and a research paper was published on their page says: “The cost to operate an
    airport is 13.55$ per passenger, this based on size and location of the airport"
    13.55$ Includes all operating costs, employee salaries, and expected repairs at the
    airport. And other operating expenses.

Table 12 - 3 Approximate Total Operation Cost During Phases

Total operation coast -$-
(Approximation (

# Passengers at first

Phase (^) year in phase
I (2027-2034) 7,820,525 758,800,000
II (2035-2042) 12,714,453^ 1,223,565,000
III (2043- 2050 ) 20,240,881^ 2,000,000,000

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