Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

  • Airport financial returns : From studies conducted by the US Global Investors,
    and a research paper was published on their page says: “Global aeronautical
    revenue per passenger is 10.15$, while airport revenue from non-aeronautical
    activities is 7.12$, on average, to total just over 17$ per passenger”.

Table 12 - 4 Approximate Airpor Financial Returns During Phases

Airport financial
returns -$-
(Approximation (

# Passengers

Phase (^) at first year in phase
I (2027-2034) 7,820,525 952,000,000
II (2035-2042) 12,714,453^ 1,558,900,000
III (2043- 2050 ) 20,240,881 2,499,000,000

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