Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

CHAPTER 13 conclusion and Recommendations

Based on the analysis of Al-Auja Airport's operation management and the capacity of the
airfield area, some suggestions on the planning and design of the airfield area are put
forward. In view of the proposed site of the airport, high compatibility between the site
conditions and the project requirements was acquired.

All facilities of the airport were designed based on the expected number of passengers who
will use Al-Auja Airport until 205 0 , which is about 2 0 million passengers annually, to
maintain the provision of sufficient services for all passengers with no or minimum delay.

As the airport runways must be sited, oriented, and configured to provide safe and efficient
use of the airport under different conditions, two parallel runways with a length of 3.6 Km
are needed to accommodate the expected annual operations. The runways are oriented
180° - 360°, where airspace is free from obstruction that could be hazardous to aircraft
turning in the vicinity or on takeoff or approach paths.

To provide the most efficient movement for aircraft in the airfield without obstacles, an
integrated taxiway system has been designed, including parallel taxiways to the runways,
connected with high and low-speed exits. With an emphasis on the necessity of connecting
the two parallel runways through a cross taxiway to maintain the minimum grades as
determined at the FAA specifications.

Further, the terminal efficiency is evaluated in terms of its ability to serve passengers and
provide a comfortable experience through the airport. For this reason, the terminal building
will include two floors, one for enplaned passengers and the other for deplaned passengers,
with a gross area of 93,730 m^2 , providing comfortable use for all passengers.

The expected total cost of the airport at the end of PhaseIII is approximated to be 635
million dollars, concerning the importance of allocating the cost over the phases as

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