Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

  • Ministry of Local Government. Geomolg.

  • Ministry of Transportation. "Palestine's Road and Transportation Master Plan." 2014.

  • Mustafa, A.; Qaisi, Kh.; Rabay'a, R.'; Barqawi, A.; "The Geographical Location of
    Palestine International Airport, an Empirical Study." Class Project. 2013.

  • Queen Alia International Airport Website.

    • Rapid City Regional Airport. "Airport Master Plan ." 2015.

  • Shaat; A, "Yasser Arafat International Airport Damage Assessment".

  • The Civil Aviation Authority.

  • The Crossings and Borders Authority.

  • Jordanian Central Bureau of Statistics.. "The numbers of arrivals and departures
    through the Jordanian Borders."

  • Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. "The number of arrivals in the West Bank during
    the years 2014-2019."

  • Palestinian Meteorology.

  • The World Bank Open Data Website.

  • White, G & Kitchen, R " ‘Parametric comparison of the whole of life cycle cost of rigid
    and flexible aircraft pavements." 2019.

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