Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

1.2 Study Area

One of the proposed sites for a future Palestinian airport is the Al-Auja area in Jericho as
shown in Figure 1- 3 , which is located 10 kilometers to the northeast of Jericho city, with
latitude (DMS) 31°56′51′′N, longitude (DMS) 35°27′42′′E. Al- Auja has a total area of
107,905 dunums, the built-up area comprises 832 dunums and is 230 meters below sea

level. Al 'Auja is the home of 4,119 inhabitants and it is surrounded by Israeli settlements.

About 11,065 dunums (11.065 km^2 ) of Al Auja's lands are agricultural lands, and 73.39%
of Al Auja lands are open spaces with little or no vegetation.

Figure 1 - 3 Air Transport Network (2045)

Source: Palestine's Road and Transportation Master Plan
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