Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

1.3 Significance of the project..................................................................................

Palestinians in their country suffer from a clear deficiency in various matters of a decent
life. Therefore, it is our responsibility to think about a patriot project for such an airport
proposed to be in Ain Al- Auja, Jericho, to minimize occupation restrictions, blockade,
segregation, and siege against Palestinians. Undoubtedly this project will allow Palestinian
Airways back home instead of operating beyond borders in Jordan and Egypt, enhance the
private sector to participate in the expected investments before and after airport operations
activities, facilitate mobility of cargo within Palestine and to the rest of the world, which
constitute an essential element for a viable economy.

1. 4 Objectives

The main objective of the project is to provide the recommended design of all airside
infrastructure of Al-Auja International Airport. Including the airport master plan, the
design of runways, taxiways, apron, and airfield ground lighting, marking, and
navigational aids.

1.5 Project Constrains

The main constraints and limitations that confronted the project; whether at data collection
or analysis, were as follows:

1 - The absence of an international airport within the Palestinian state authority: As a
result of this, many assumptions were assumed and analyzed based on the social,
cultural, economical life of the Palestinian society.

2 - Unavailability of computer software for airport design and facilities analysis.

3 - COVID-19 Pandemic restricted the movement in Palestine, so it was difficult to
visit many institutions to collect data.
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