Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

2.3 Data Analysis

Data will be analyzed to find the forecasted air demand through the period 2023-2045, also
other meteorological data will be analyzed to design the airfield facilities, using software
programs like ARCMAP, ARCSCENE, AutoCAD, Sketchup, Maps.ME, Google Earth
Pro, Civil3d, and Excel.

2.4 Airport Planning Studies

Many different types of studies are performed in airport planning. These include studies
related to facility planning, financial planning. traffic and markets, economics, and
environmental studies.

2.5 Specifications and Criteria

Design guidelines prepared by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) will be followed
to design all airport facilities for aircraft operations, involving the widths, gradients,
separations of runways, taxiways, and other features of the aircraft operations. Taking into
consideration all the circumstances of the study area like weather conditions and

2.6 Geometric Design of the Airfield

2.6.1 Airport Classification

To stipulate the geometric design standards for the various types of airports and functions
which they serve, letter and numerical codes and other descriptors have been adopted to
classify airports. For Al-Auja International Airport, the proposed airport classification is
identified based on the FAA regulations.

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