Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

2.7 Airport Pavement Design

Pavement analysis and design involve the interaction of four equally important
components: the subgrade (naturally occurring soil), the paving materials (surface layer,
base, and subbase), the characteristics of applied loads, and climate. The FAA has
developed the computer program FAA Rigid and Flexible Iterative Elastic Layer Design
(FAARFIELD) to assist with pavement design. This software will be used for pavement

2.8 Airport Lighting, Marking, and Signage

Visual aids, which are crucial aspects of airport facilities, support the pilot on approach to
the airport as well as flying around the airfield. These facilities may be divided into three
categories: lighting, marking, and signage. FAA requirements are followed for the design
of these facilities.

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